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Chapter 21 – The House-Elf Liberation Front

March 27, 2013

More S.P.E.W.?! Roll eyes 😀 I always call this chapter “Elf and Safety” 😀

Harry is delighted to have Ron as his best friend again … understandably 🙂 Ron even boosts Harry’s confidence by saying that he thinks Harry COULD win the tournament, although Hermione isn’t so sure … the other two tasks are bound to be much more difficult. Harry can’t resist writing a letter to Sirius, giving him all the information about the first task, and how he got past the dragon. Apparently the golden egg is going to assist the Champions with the second task – but when Harry opens it in the Gryffindor Common room, during a impromptu party celebrating Harry’s success, the egg lets out a screechy wail. Harry immediately shuts the egg up again, deciding to deal with the egg … soon! 🙂

They’re still dealing with Blast-Ended Skrewts in Care of Magical Creatures, the students are asked to see if the Skewts hibernate for winter or not. It is obviously after a few moments, that they don’t 😀 Rita Skeeter comes along to observe the lesson – even though DUmbledore has said she wasn’t allowed inside the school any more – and persuades Hagrid to give an interview about the Blast-Ended Skrewts, Harry has a sneaking suspicion that Rita will be asking more question about Harry than about the Skrewts, however. Harry’s instincts are good sometimes 🙂

The boys are heading back to the common room after Divination when Hermione come hurtling towards them, excitedly saying that they’ve GOT to come with her. Slightly bemused, the boys do what she asks. The boys only realise what she’s up to when she leads them to a picture of a fruit bowl, and begins tickling a pear. Hermione’s found out how to get into Hogwarts kitchens at last. Hermione is obviously steeping up S.P.E.W. a gear. But there’s a surprise waiting for Harry when he enters the kitchens. Dobby the house-elf hurls himself at him … yay! 🙂 Dobby excitedly explains how Dumbledore has given him a job at Hogwarts, in the kitchens – and he get paid a Galleona week, and a day off once a month, Bonus! There are about a hundred elves in the Hogwarts kitchens, all more than willing to give the Trio as much food as they want 🙂 Dobby also explains that Winky has also got a job in the kitchens. But although Dobby is loving his job and his freedom, and wearing an odd assortment of clothes, Winky doesn’t seem to be enjoying herself at much. She’s drinking Butterbeer (which is strong for a house-elf, apparently! 😀 )  and seems thoroughly depressed, she’s having problems adjusting, She forgets that she isn’t tied to Mr Crouch any mre – she is still singing her old master’s praises, refusing to speak of any secrets that he might have confided to her. Winky also states that Mr Bagman is a bad elf. The house-elves seems quite content with their lot, and are horrified when Hermioen starts pushing the “elf rights” at them. The Trio are made to make a quick exit, Harry promises Dobby that he can come and see him whenever he wants. As they leave the kitchen, Ron says that he’s always been impressed with the Twins, stealing food from the kitchens. It is quite easy to get the food from the elves – they more or less give it away 🙂 Hermione says that he thinks that it’s the best thing what could have happened, Dobby coming to work in the kitchens – the other elves will eventually realise that freedom is good. Keep on dreaming, Hermione 🙂

And finally …

“Percy wouldn’t recognise a joke if it danced naked in front of him wearing Dobby’s tea-cosy.”


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